Now back in stock in a new look!
The beautiful scent of cotton is now captured in this exquisite home spray, spreading its refreshing aroma throughout the room. The perfume begins with invigorating citrusy notes of lemon and orange, transitioning gently to green tea, peaches, and rose, before settling into a warm blend of vanilla and sandalwood.
250 ml
Made in France
عطر القطن الجميل الآن في مرش صغير لنشر رائحته الرائعة في جميع أنحاء الغرفة.
تبدأ مراحله بنكهات صيفية من الليمون والبرتقال وتنتقل برقة إلى رائحة الشاي الأخضر مع الخوخ والورد، ثم تستقر على الفانيليا وخشب الصندل
رائحته تبقى لساعات داخل الغرف وعلى الفرش والقماش
250 مل
صنع في فرنسا
Now back in stock in a new look!
The beautiful scent of cotton is now captured in this exquisite home spray, spreading its refreshing aroma throughout the room. The perfume begins with invigorating citrusy notes of lemon and orange, transitioning gently to green tea, peaches, and rose, before settling into a warm blend of vanilla and sandalwood.